![Death of a salesman by Arthur Miller [book cover]](https://libraries.sutherlandshire.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/image/0025/66319/death-salesman-miller.jpg)
Event details
Do you enjoy reading and discussing classic literature? If so, join us on the first Tuesday of each month for the Sutherland Classics Open Book Group.
There is no commitment required; just turn up ready to share your thoughts. Each month a book from classic literature is selected by the group to be read for the following meeting.
February meeting: Heat And Dust / Ruth Prawer Jhabvala
The beautiful, spoiled and bored Olivia, married to a civil servant, outrages society in the tiny, suffocating town of Satipur by eloping with an Indian prince. Fifty years later, her step-granddaughter goes back to the heat, the dust and the squalor of the bazaars to solve the enigma of Olivia's scandal.
Winner of the Booker Prize in 1975.
The Fine Print
It is up to you to source a copy of the selected book.
The library does have some copies for loan, but these are available for all library members to borrow so may be unavailable. You may be able to reserve a copy or find it via one of our digital collections. Alternatively, we may be able to source a copy from another library service via our interlibrary loans service (standard charges apply).