Smithsonian and Air & Space Magazines from 1970 to the present

About the Smithsonian Collections online

Gale and the Smithsonian have collaborated to give students, faculty, and researchers the chance to look behind the glass of the Smithsonian exhibits and collections.

Air & Space and Smithsonian Magazine Archive combines Air & Space Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine for the first time in a single, fully searchable digital archive. By bringing together the full history of both of these premiere magazines, decades of in-depth and expert coverage of high-demand topics and unique insights into aviation, space, innovation, history, science, technology, the arts, and culture are accessible in an integrated, intuitive display. This interdisciplinary, cross-curricular archive will engage users whether pursuing general topical information or developing deeper knowledge in a given subject area.

Along with the magazine archive, the online collections contain a wealth of primary documents from the Smithsonian collection covering the evolution of flight, trade literature and the merchandizing of industry and world's fairs and expositions.