This challenge is all about picking stories from a range of genres, from romance to fantasy to historical fiction and beyond. Discovering new worlds, voices and adventures.

For each different genre you read, collect a badge on the bingo card in the Beanstack app. Complete a row of 4 in any direction and go in the draw to win a prize!

Register now and log your reading between 1 December and 31 January for your chance to win a prize! Read the full Terms and Conditions.


Start your journey

Explore new genres for a chance to win a prize.

How to participate

  1. Download the Beanstack app at the App Store, Google Play store, or online at
  2. Register as a reader in Beanstack, then register your family members with you
  3. Join the Genre Reading Challenge in Beanstack
  4. Start reading. Log the titles of books you read or time spent reading, and maybe write a review or two.
  5. Collect digital badges and other rewards along the way by reading and completing activities.